Friday, March 11, 2011


This blog will be presented, as best I can, in a manner that is honest, but efficient with words, and not crude. In dedication.

Michigan State does not have to win this game. They are in the tournament, as of now. But, don't lose big. Don't lay an egg. Show up and play hard. Keep it to 10 all game.

Lucas will be important. Bigger? The bench. Will Nix move his feet? Will Sherman catch the ball? Will Thornton use his fouls well? Will everyone guard the perimeter? Will every Spartan hit the boards, relentlessly? We will see.

MSU looks FOCUSED early. They look like the have a Swagger. I like it.


Lucas doesn't look 100%, but everyone else has a swag, a fire a basketball IQ we haven't seen in a long, long while.

Then Sherman comes in. Then Purdue turns up their hand check 1000%. We shall see.

Since the time they were freshmen, I thought Johnson had, by far, the most upside in this Purdue class. You can't coach length. However, this turnaround he has come up with in his senior year is crazy.

I like the look here. I just described it as MSU Florida 2000. Why? Thornton just got the ball and, with no hesitation, pulled up and hit. That team had no fear and just did what it did. This team looks like it is playing with confidence.

Win or lose, I'm telling you. This team has a different look. The pace is different. Nix is at the line following a nice possession.

21-10 MSU and there is NO DELAY. If there is 1/2 inch of open space, the spartans are shooting. Come out and defend us. If not, hope we miss. We aren't waiting. We are shooting.

And for once, the problem with the whole season? MSU is hitting shots. Hitting a lot of shots.

Kalin Lucas is a straight baller. He just hit a shot clock beater. Love it.

Which brings me to my next point. Draymond Green is a bad, bad free throw shooter. He would average about 2.5 more points per game if he could hit at an average clip.

3 for LUCAS!!

27 -15 MSU!

And now Kebler with a shot. You have got to be a threat if you are on the floor. Nice hit by Kb's.

Jujuan Johnson is a horse. He is absolutely a next level player. Purdue would be down 20 right now w/out him. Who is Moore?

Barlow on Lucas is brilliant by Painter. Lucas isn't mobile. If he were, Lucas would make him look stupid. But, as a much, much bigger defender Barlow is a tough guy to put on Lucas.

And Johnson comes up big again. He is holding this Purdue team in.

AND SO IS KALIN! Lucas is KILLING right now.

I love Keith Appling. He is a baller. He has heart. He has game.

35 -23 MSU.


Well, Haltime and MSU is looking like the team most of us thought we would see all year. Aggressive, strong and .... well ... good.

Part of it is Purdue looking a little slow, as the bye team. But a lot of it is MSU being the aggressor. The Spartans are finding shots early, and without hesitation, pulling the trigger. They are finding gaps and seams and making plays. This team is reacting rather than thinking. For year, upon years, upon years I have said that, to be great, a team must react rather than think. Instinct is the answer.

This team is finally just doing, rather than [over]thinking.

MSU comes out and weathers the Purdue technical call, for now. Ball don't lie.

This is turning around a bit, in terms of fouls, as Purdue gets a few "make-up" calls. Weak, if you will.

And Summers shows his true colors. Running the floor MSU finds Summers on the break in the lane bounces off his ping-pong-paddle hands. I can imagine it would be hard to drive the ball wing ping-pong paddles for hands. Tough to rebound, too.

45 -28 MSU.

Lucas 3 pt play. 48 -30. Ballin.


Deflection Green [on the shot] and rebound Appling.

Lovc eit.

50 -33 MSU.

Appling at the line. Hit the first. He is money...Count the second.

Johnson gets the ball really, really deep. That is either a bucker or a foul. He gets the foul.

Johnson hits both. Purdue with the full court pressure [hacks defense].


MSU keeps afloat.

1 and 1 for Lucas. He gets THE BONUS!

54 -37 MSU.

Appling turns it over but Barlow is a bad, bad shooter. Nice work.

MSU ball 54-37.

Foul MSU, after about 15 Purdue fouls [that weren't called]. 56 - 40 MSU.

After about 25 no call defensive possessions for Purdue we have a timeout. Which is the time I choose to take to pontificate. What if...

Mateen Cleaves was given free rein on defending in the half court.

Travis Walton had free rein in defending men twice his size.

Charlie Bell could defend with free rein in the second half.

No. You didn't hear that.

That is why [*$(&#$]'s don't get "free rein" on defense. So pay attention, my bloody valentine.

I have hated a whole lot of things this year. Coaches. Players. Shots. Shots. Shots.

But this takes the cake. Purdue is in the middle of HACKFEST 2010 but getting called for 1/3 of the fouls they commit.

MSU has to hold on. Justice demands it.

And Delvon Roe draws a foul. What number? His 1st. With 6:39 left. Awesome. Seems totally legit.

60 - 51 MSU after a hoop and a shot. Moore is getting warmed up. But Misses!

Delvon gets both. Money.

Kebler for the layup!

64 - 51 MSU!

Jujuan Johnson has a cramp. Mark it down. MSU wins. Mark it down!

66 -51 is a nice lead, which I would feel not so good about normally. But if Johnson has a cramp...I like it. It is juuuuust enough.

Summers still has some of the softest hands in the b10. So many rebounds/steals/etc end up in D.Summers touches and turnovers. Secure it.

K.Looooooo. Love him. Do it. 70 -53 MSU.

FINAL! MSU Wins and Convincingly!

30 pts for Lucas. Baller. Remember that.