Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Knee Jerk or Just Jerk?

So I was mad, frustrated, and perhaps a little unfair in my last analysis. I stand by about 95% of it. Thing is, when a team shoots 80% from the field (82% from 3) things look artificially good. That's what MSU did against Indiana. I still think the offense is stagnant.

However, Kalin Lucas got in the lane. A lot. That, to me, was the key to this game. Hitting every shot you shoot--including 9 3's in the first half--doesn't hurt. I still don't like Raymar shooting the mid range shot. I still don't like running around the perimeter with the ball 90% of the time. I still don't like missing free throws.

On Sunday MSU went inside with more purpose than I can remember in quite some time. If I didn't know better I would think Izzo reads this (and hates me) because the team went inside, got guard penetration, ran the options off plays more than the primary sets, and in his post game press conference talked about "not asking players to do things they can't do" but instead "asking them to do things they've already done in the past." Sounds like not forcing things. Sounds like not trying to do too much. Sounds like playing within yourself. But then I realized that anyone who knows anything about basketball could watch these games and pick it all up. It's painfully obvious.

Morgan started the game with two 3 point shots. I don't mind that as much as the mid range shot. If he's closer to the basket than 18 feet he needs to just keep on going. Get to the rim. Get fouled. Give yourself a chance to get a rebound. Morgan was aggressive around the basket again, and despite missing some free throws, got people in foul trouble.

Suton did what Suton needs to do. He rebounded. He didn't lose his man (much) and didn't throw the ball away. He had a double double and hit a 3 late in the game. I cringed. It went in.

Neitzel took a lot of shots. He played strong defense. He picked up a couple of rebounds. He kept the defense honest. At one point Lucas had the ball and drove near the corner/baseline. Neitzel was in the corner with a man on him. Lucas' defender was beat, but help couldn't come over since Neitzel was shooting. Lucas got a layup 1. because of his speed, and 2. because Neitzel kept the defense from rotating. That's respect. When a man WITH the ball and open is heading toward the basket, and you won't leave your man to pick him up, that's respect. Or stupidity.

MSU was also helped out by a ghostly force. Indiana missed about 4 layups/dunks for no apparent reason. D.J. White is a headcase. Gordon should get an offensive foul called about 50% of the time he drives. Indiana is not that good, and with Sampson gone (sanction likely to follow?), Gordon likely gone (I would say about 90% headed to the NBA) and D.J. White gone Indiana is going to be BAD for a few years. Bad.

The key to this game was defense and running. Walton and Lucas really hounded Gordon when he was handling the ball. Walton was great. Lucas is so quick and smart. Lucas was unstoppable on offense. I would guess that if you put together a top ten highlight reel Lucas would be involved in about 8 of them. His passing was Skiles like. He drove past his man at will. He ran the break. He defended. He is going to be very, very special.

Now MSU plays Ohio State and Illinois on the road, followed by the BigTen Tournament. I don't like the Illinois game. They have nothing to play for but their Seniors. No pressure, no title hopes, not NCAA tournament seeding to worry about. Trap game. Ohio State is on the bubble but I just don't think they have enough experience yet. I think we will lose in the BigTen Tournament in the second round. I just don't see us winning it.

I do like the number of minutes we are getting for Summers (who had a tough game, turnovers and defense were poop) and Allen (he has Ager's disease: run, leap, realize you have no idea why you are in the air and what you are going to do with the ball) but would like to see one more big man--be in Herzog (LOST on the floor) or Ibok (I like him, must be the offense that is keeping him off the floor) getting some minutes. Teams with a solid interior could hurt us once Naymick picks up a couple of fouls. Suton can guard guys bigger and slower than him, which could help Naymick out, buy Suton CANNOT guard versatile 3/4/5 post players. Suton's Rule: if the guy can shoot from more than 12 feet and has ever dribbled the ball in the past, Suton cannot guard him.

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