Monday, November 10, 2008


Since I was out of town most of the week last week I didn't have a chance to give my thoughts on the Purdue game. I was cautiously optimistic, wondering mostly how MSU would contain the newly promoted scrambling Purdue QB. Turns out there wasn't much to worry about, as the linebackers made good reads (mostly) and his throws lacked touch. Although on the money, most came with too much zip for a 40 degree game. Like catching a brick.

Kory Sheets still impresses me as a running back and only reinforces that this is probably the deepest running back field in B10's recent history. Sheets (Purdue), Sutton (Northwestern), Wells (OSU), Greene (Iowa), Hill (Wisconsin), Royster (Penn State) and Ringer are all very, very good backs. I believe that Ringer, Sutton, and Sheets are the best simply based upon the lines they play behind. Iowa has the best O Line in the conference, with Ohio State and Wisconsin not far behind. Its like the argument that Emmitt Smith is better than Barry Sanders. 1. Its BS, and 2. Barry had no offensive line. None. Ringer has a line, but its not nearly as dominant as some of the others in the conference. That said, the Big Ten has the best overall backs in the country, top to bottom.

For every good B10 running back there is an equally crappy QB. Who is the best QB in the conference? No, really, who is it? I certainly don't know. I would have said Bacher (NU) or Painter (Purdue) coming into the year. Now it might actually be Pryor (OSU) or Weber (Minny). That's pretty sad. The Big12 has a lock on best QB conference. I would guess that 5 play on Sundays. I would also bet that 2, maybe 3 get taken in the first round of the draft this year.

Calling Otis Wiley. Where are you? 4 INT's through 3 games. 4 INT's through 11 games. He's been battling injuries but man, what a let down. I hope the plan is to have 3 against Penn State.

I quick bit of love for Joe Tiller from Purdue. Although I have no regrets in beating him it is sad to see an innovator, champion, and all around pretty good guy go. Plus he talked shit about Rich Rodriguez's recruiting tactics earlier this year. I'll be sending him a Christmas card.

Penn State's loss to Iowa hurt MSU's chances of going to the Rose Bowl (around 2% chance now*). I really was not that surprised since I maintain that Iowa's lines (O and D) were the best we saw this year in conference. It showed on Saturday. Now unless Illinois and Ron Crook Zook or ummmmm beat OSU, we are on the outside looking in. Is that bad? Maybe not. Remember what USC did to Ohio State? That could be us, only worse.

The bye week is a good thing. Ringer gets healthy. Dell/Curry/White/Cunningham/anyotherreceiverswehave get healthy. Hoyer...does something. We put in some schemes, tricks, blitz packages and then maybe MSU can beat PSU. Maybe.

DP -- Sorry about your boys. In the 4th quarter I realized that your prayers were being cancelled out by the counter prayers of 1000's of angry, bitter, red headed step children (literally) at BC. Hey, you've still got Navy, right? Streaks have to start somewhere**. (this would be a good time to think about Will Ferrell's "we're goin' streakin!" line)

* Our remaining 2% chance of making the Rose Bowl is based partly on the unlikely event that ummm beats OSU. I will not be rooting for such an event to occur, but neither will I be rooting for OSU.
** Notre Dame's 43 game win streak (against one opponent, Navy) ended last season w/ a 3 overtime loss to Navy in South Bend. It was the longest such win streak in history. The lyrics to the cult classic "In the Navy" were rewritten to include, along with "sailing the seven seas," "you can beat Notre Dame." Coach Weiss was seen in the stands after the game picking out random passersby and saying "we want you, we want you, we want you as a new recruit." The Village People were not available for comment.

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