Saturday, August 21, 2010

League Preview

I can't recall a season when I knew less about each B10 team than this year. Juice is gone. Kafka is gone. Clark is gone. Michigan's secondary is gone, to the extent it ever existed.

Nor can I remember a B10 season with more close and bizarre finishes than last year. Teams like Indiana, MSU, and Purdue can attest to the fact that 10 plays or less can swing a season 5 games one way or the other. There isn't a lot of room for error.

With that said, here is my best, errors and all.

Illinois - Alphabetically speaking, Illinois is first. (how many leagues can say their first team alpha wise starts with I or later in the alphabet?*) I have no idea what Illinois, or Zook, can pull off this year. I can tell you that if Zookie doesn't win some games AND win a bowl game, he's gone. Illinois does not have many seniors, but offensively, there is experience at key positions. That would not include QB. I see a .500 season for Illinois with a late push for a bowl game. The early and mid schedule looks like murderers row. Especially the run of hosting OSU, followed by at Penn State and at MSU, then back home for a game with sleeper Indiana. I see 6-6 and a potential bowl bid. I see a Zookless 2011.

Indiana - I am glad IU is off the MSU schedule. The IU defense is not very good, and the running game is just ehh, but the passing game is scary. Indiana will put up a few points this year and, given some luck, could win 8 games. Indiana lost all the close ones last year but should take advantage of that pain as they return a lot of starters. The team is especially experienced in the defensive secondary, with a half dozen senior corners, linebackers, and safeties. Prediction: the stadium will not come anywhere near selling out until mid season. However, the cupcake non conference and somewhat favorable early B10 schedule could allow them to build momentum and steal a big conference win. 7-5 and a bowl loss.

Iowa - Stanzi is pretty impressive, but it will be interesting to see what happens with a little RB trouble and his favorite safety valve, TE Moeaki, gone. There is plenty of depth at RB but it could take a minute to sort out. There is experience at WR as well, so Stanzi should improve again this year. The defense was great last year and should be stout again this year, especially if the running game can run up the time of possession. 7-5 with some very close losses, plus a bowl game win.

Michigan - Michigan, Michigan, Michigan. I'm almost sad that little richard won't be around next year. Michigan's defense will be horrendous. Graham is gone. Good luck replacing him. The defensive secondary is gone, literally. Attrition, early outs, injuries, and felonies have hit the secondary hard. As soon as the man defense gets burned deep they will go zone. Then teams will pound the ball for more rushing yards than Bo gave up in a decade. The semi good news is the offense should be a lot better. Robinson will get most of the PT under center (or more likely out of the gun) early. He is considering tying his shoes this year, too. We'll watch for updates. The offense will be sporadic, appearing to be unstoppable at times, and then imploding without reason. Time of possession will appear manic from game to game, with balanced offensive teams dominating a Michigan team playing constant catch up. The schedule is brutal and will likely result in a 0-2 start, a mid season glimmer of hope for bowl eligibility, and a crushing defeat by OSU to deny any hope of a little caesars bowl game appearance. 5-7 finish. Bowl = No. Violations = Yes. Recruiting = screwed. Richard = packing.

Michigan State - In case you haven't heard: the 2009 season was a disappointment, there was a fight at a frat party, and the 2010 schedule is so easy MSU should win a national championship. Sports writers get paid to have original thoughts, from what I'm told. MSU will be improved in the secondary, significantly, but still not as good as I expect to see next season. The real talent at corner is young and the team still lacks a good safety, let alone depth at safety. The pass rush was actually pretty good last season but the secondary will benefit even more from a better pass rush this year. There are 1.5 billion quality linebackers, and 2.5 billion linebacker recruits in the pipeline. The pass rush should be improved and benefit from the new scheme (mixed use of the 3-4). There is nothing for opposing offenses to scout, yet. MSU does not leave the state until October 23, and even then its only a trip to the SAT center of the universe in greater Chicago. Penn State and Iowa on the road are the biggest road challenges and are not even in consecutive weeks. ND will be better this year, but its a night home game on national tv with a young ND QB. The tight losses will be flipped to tight wins if the kicking game gets sorted out. This team has a real shot at being 7-0 before playing a road game (which I predict could be followed by 2 quick losses). 9-3 with a bowl win over the soon to be newest B10 member, Nebraska, on New Year's Day.**

Minnesota - Minnesota is not a good team. In 2009 they couldn't run or pass the ball consistently, partly because of injuries but mostly because, well, beyond a few starters there wasn't a whole lot of talent. The early schedule is soft and could allow MN to sort things out, get rolling, and find some talent on that roster. Overall the team is very young, but the secondary should be a strength. Weber is solid, when healthy, and usually makes good decisions in the red zone. Finish: 5-7 with no real shot at a bowl game already evident by late October.

Northwestern - I really don't know what to think about NW. I would like to say, despite not having a running game at all, the passing game is at least solid. But Kafka is gone. Besides being their accurate and prolific passer and captain, he was the second leading rusher. Ouch. The schedule is not particularly easy and includes a couple of road games early (who goes TO Rice?) The defense was pretty good in 2009 and should be at least as good in 2010. So much depends on the offense for NW , and as a result, the QB. With that in question until proven otherwise, I see this as a rebuilding year with about 4 games up in the air. Finish: 5-7.

Ohio State - I recently heard the OSU defensive line coach say he thought this might be the best defensive front in OSU's history. That does not bode well for the B10, unless, of course, you are MSU or NW. The non-conference schedule is so so, with a somewhat improved Miami (in Columbus) and a team in name (Marshall) if not talent. Marshall didn't win a game of note last year and will actually be worse this year. Two games stand out to me for OSU in what could honestly be a national championship appearance: a 7pm kickoff in mid October at Wisconsin and Nov 20 at Iowa, kick TBD (I would guess they push for a 7pm kickoff). Also, notwithstanding the criticism of Minny above, the October 30 7pm kickoff at Minnesota is a trap game. Pryor still hasn't proven that he can be accurate for an entire game when the secondary is experienced, and OSU plays a close game every year with a far inferior team. Plus, the game comes the week before a stretch that goes Penn State, @ Iowa, Michigan. Push comes to shove? I can't pick a B10 team to beat OSU this year. Not one.*** Prediction: 12-0 + a bowl win = a national championship.****

Penn State - Clark is gone but Royster's back. There are questions at QB but also a lot of talent. The solid running game and defense will make the QB less important this year than next, when both are significantly weaker. At Alabama in week 2 is a tough, tough start for a new QB. Youngstown State, Kent State, and Temple round out the non conference. The B10 schedule is balanced and looks like about 8-4 plus a bowl loss.

Purdue - Purdue has been the same team for about 4 years. Not very good, not very bad, and a lot of close losses. It seems like Purdue is due a few close wins this year. They've been paying the premiums for a while now, and I think they may make a claim or two finally, in 2010. If they do, however, it is more likely to be the result of an improved defense than maintaining last year's offensive achievements. I'm not saying the QB can't succeed, but moving games from close losses to close wins does not happen with an unproven QB. Elliot is gone. Bolden is back and is a solid, tough RB. The schedule starts fairly easy but finishes pretty hard, including @OSU, @Ill, Wisc, UM, @MSU and a rivarly game against IU over the last 6. With some favorable bounces, accurate kicking and at least so-so QBing Purdue could be over .500. Make it: 7-5 with a bowl loss to a MAC team.

Wisconsin - I just can't buy that Wisc will be as good as everyone seems to think. They will be boring and good, but I can't see great. I still see them as a 50/50 proposition in most games. Tolzien is accurate and likes his TE. His best 2 TE's are gone, so we'll see how he uses the RB's and WR's. Clay runs hard. He has break away speed, too. I really don't know what else to say about WI. The non-conference is more difficult than average, but not too hard. I see an 8-4 finish and a bowl game. They could win or lose it.

* stop looking, the answer is 1 is D1, and its the Missouri Valley.
** tell me that isn't a bold, detailed prediction.
*** unless you are giving me points and paying out 10:1. Then we can talk.
**** over...hmm...Arkansas? Arizona? Too many QB questions at the traditional powers.

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