Sunday, September 28, 2008


Since my only access to a computer prior to Saturday morning was a dial up connection this week will only include a post game analysis.

MSU did just enough to win Saturday in a 42-29 victory over Indiana. Ringer had a fairly boring 198 yards with one touchdown. He carried the ball 44 times, at least a half dozen for a loss.

Hoyer looked, again, just ok. Although his stats looked respectable (14 of 26 for 261 yards w/ 2 passing TD's, one rushing TD) he continues to stare down receivers. Against IU it worked. Against teams like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio State,and Penn State that means big trouble. In his defense, yet again, receivers dropped some perfectly catchable passes. There were 3 glaring drops in key situations. The worst play of the day (on offense) was an overthrown pass for a TD to Cunningham. Hoyer had Cunningham wide open deep down the middle and missed a sure TD by not putting enough air under the pass, missing his target by a few feet. I would like to say that Hoyer looked better--because he did glancing at a stat sheet--but Indiana's defense is suspect to begin with (See: giving up 42 points and 460 yards of offense to Ball State) and have lost 3 starting defensive backs to injury so far this season.

The MSU run defense was soft as well. I expect the defensive backs to get beat from time to time. Yesterday there was a flag about every 4 seconds. But the run defense had been strong up until Saturday, when the Spartans gave up 189 yards on the ground.

Wisconsin found a way to lose to UM after leading 19-0 at halftime and recovering 5 UM turnovers in the first half. I really didn't think Wisconsin was that great coming into the game, but losing after being up by 19 and recovering 5 turnovers in a half?! Sounds like John L Smith.

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