Friday, September 19, 2008


Lock the pantry and hide the little boys, Charlie Weis and his friendly fathers are in town. Pull up a twinkie and sit on my lap, son, while I tell you a story.

ESPN.COM discovered MSU. Turns out all you have to do is play a mediocre team coming off a terrible season to get some recognition. 3 Articles this week. 1 about Ringer (greatest things since ... ). 1 about Hoyer ( ... ). 1 about emus.

We all know the heart-warming story of Notre Dame lore. A young hobbit, not very smart or very talented, nor very attractive. But, neither was he very tall or fast. He wasn't a kicker, punter, or long snapper. He wasn't really worth much at all. He wasn't rich, or from a family that contributed a great deal to society. He wasn't a future leader, nor has he done anything repute since his glory days back in 1919. But he had a heart and dedication like no other. So much heart did that little hobbit have in his wee chest (very like a leprechaun was he!) that he made the team. We loved that little hobbit making tackles in the last 3 seconds of scrub time, loved it so much we made a movie.

The year is 2007, and Rudy has a bag on his head at a home football game, turning his other cheek to touchdown Jesus, praying for a new offense.

All jokes and pedophilia aside, the game should be good. I don't know at all what to expect from either team. ND has beaten two nobody teams (haha) and MSU has, considering the weather, shown us little. The difference between last year's teams and this year's teams is like ... leaving us with little to go on. I still predict that MSU is, overall, better than they were last year. ND is slightly better than the 2007 version.

Let's check with Lou.

Lou isn't happy with my analysis. SSScccHIIIT.

MSU - 32
ND - 27

1 comment:

12v man said...

nice prediction, oh great prognosticator. i still cry every time i see the fight scene at the bar in rudy.