Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Lions Rant

I have watched, like most lions fans, in horror as this team has gone from bad, to terrible, to almost unwatchable. The last 5 games the Detroit Lions have come close -- flirting with A WIN -- but in the end found a way to lose each game. I'm not surprised nor terribly upset. However, things have to change.

Rant 1:
There is not a single Lion on the Pro Bowl team. Now you might raise "the lions are winless, 0-14, terrible" all of which would be true. Hell, even kind. However picture this:
- A starting QB that is serviceable at best, comparable to a healthy Brad Johnson
- A second string QB that had started zero games before the season
- A third string QB that has never seen the field in a regular season game, and has about 1/2 a year of practice (due to many confusing and aggravating decisions)
- No, zero, zilch, nada offensive line. Terrible line. (more to come on this)
- As a result very little rushing success
- With one exception, no wide receiver I would pay more than the league minimum
- YET SOMEHOW that one receiver manages to pile up:
*1165 receiving yards (through 14 games)
*65 receptions (almost 18 yards per catch)
*10 TD's and 1 two point conversion

And he's not a pro bowler? Give me a break. Those numbers, on that team, with that run support, with those QB's...he should be not only a pro bowler but a first ballot hall of famer.

Let's not forget Jason Hanson. A stud kicker (is that possible?) on a terrible team. A consistent top kicker in the league for over 17 years, his only miss this season was a block on a bad hold with terrible blocking. Throw the guy a bone.

Rant 2:
This team is terrible not because of coaching (alone) and not because of lack of a QB or any other skill position (though more talent would help). This team is bad--no horrible--because of 2 units. The offensive line and defensive line. If the Lions take a QB with the first pick this year (which they've locked up already!) I will vomit. Check that, if they take any offensive skill position I will vomit. Trade the pick before you do that. In fact trade it no matter what. Take 4 linemen this year. Pick a defensive end. Pick a lockdown corner. Pick a cover/hitting safety. DO NOT PICK A QB, WR, or RB.

Also, hit the free agent market. Get more linemen. Interior offensive and defensive. Defensive ends. Blocking tight ends. Don't tell me you don't have the money to spend. You made Jeff Backus a franchise player, with the pay that goes along with that tag, just 2 years ago. He's horrible. He is routinely beaten, holds, or is flagged for a false start. The only person more penalized was his own teamate Foster. Yet you gave him the franchise tag. I always hear "Backus is reliable...X consecutive starts" yada yada. He's like my vacuum; it starts whenever I ask it to and sucks every single time.

To be fair I thought Harrington, Rogers, and Williams would be ok picks. Odds on I thought at least one of them would still be in Detroit. But without an offensive line and no position mentors, what could you expect? Millen was a joke and the ownership is no better for keeping him on so long. There will be a lag unless the new GM starts from the inside out. Give a young, talented RB a chance by drafting/trading for some offensive linemen. Give the QB's/WR's a chance by drafting some offensive linemen. Give the corners a shot by drafting some defensive linemen. Games are won in the trenches. Emmitt Smith was a decent RB, his line made him great. Trent Dilfer was a serviceable QB, his line made him...well serviceable.

Guess what Lions? I'm available. Hire me to evaluate talent and work the trade phone. I can't do worse, that much I'm sure of. Stop with the systems and scheming (martz, marinelli) and just get talent. Get players. Get fundamentally better starting with the lines.

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