Wednesday, December 3, 2008

mid game update

UNC is good. No news flash there.

Digger Phelps is a moron. See above.

Marquise Gray has found a way, despite being in his fifth year, to never learn to box out. I watched just Gray for a few possessions. Not only did he not get some rebounds in his area, he didn't put a body on anyone. His help side defense is non-existent. He has no business putting the ball on the floor in the paint. Don't dribble. Just don't.

Morgan can really be perplexing. Flashes of being great. Then an inexplicable triple pump in the lane. Just draw a foul already and stop worrying about getting blocked. Against North Carolina you are better to just shoot. The longer you wait and fake the more bees swarm to the ball.

Tyler Hansborough is a hack. He's like the Shaq of old. Drop your shoulder, throw your off arm to clear space, spin 4 times clearing out, then throw some trash at the basket. He does have pretty good touch -- considering no matter how ugly the shot it seems to go in -- but he gets away with murder down low.

Lucas looks pretty good. Allen has shot well, but like Morgan, flips the "wtf were you thinking" switch every so often. It used to be that he would just leave his feet with no particular plan. He seems to be over that but today took a couple of horrible leaning shots.

Roe looks good. Green looks like Izzo put the fear of God in him about Hansborough. For the first two possessions Green was in the game he looked like he was trying to square dance with Hansborough.

By the way, Tyler, as the new Adam Sandler movie says "those [eyes] would be big on a cow."

Pains me to say this but...miss Suton a smidge. Just on rebounding really. Still miss him. Knee to be scoped tomorrow so I'm guessing he's out at least another 10 days, more likely until around the start of the B10.

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