Friday, March 27, 2009


I should probably write something about this Kansas game. I should probably do some research or say something intelligent.

Here's the thing. I'm not really worried about this game. I mean, a #14 seed is always dangerous because they play loose, are fired up for the biggest game of their career, and you don't know a whole lot about the team. USC was worrisome because they athletic and the team seemed to be peaking at the perfect time. Kansas...right.

I mean, its Kansas. They have a top 3 (if not the best) point guard, a very solid (57% stone, to be exact) big man, and a great coach. They have tradition. But this isn't one of the better Kansas teams. In fact, this isn't a top 3 Kansas team in the last ten years. Its a good team. Its a young and improving team. But, simply put, it isn't ready to repeat.

Why MSU should win:
- More depth and athletes
- More balance
- More versatile

The Spartans go legitimately 9 players deep. Draymond Green is arguably the biggest scoring threat among big men right now. Summers and Allen, although inconsistent, can put up 20 on any given night. Lucas is quicker than Collins (kansas pg) and a great ball handler. Luscious is almost as quick and isn't afraid of anything. Suton consistently pulls down rebounds, no matter how big the competition is, and manages to get junk shots off. Gray/Ibok...have 10 fouls to give. Walton is a great defender, and as USC could tell you, can hit shots if left open. And I haven't even mention the x-factor ---- Raymar. If Raymar comes to play and everyone else plays their role, defending, rebounding, and distributing, MSU should move on easily.

Here is how I feel about Collins and Aldrich. In fact, I feel the same way about Blake Griffin, or any other superstar without much of a supporting cast: give him his. Let Griffin score 30. Let Collins and Aldrich score 40. Great. Now try to find a way to score 15 more.

MSU - 70
Kansas - 61

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