Friday, September 11, 2009

3 things

1. Put JayZ, Common, and Kanye with Elton, Stevie, P.Floyd, and the like as the works of genius. Stop hating and listen. Don't hear. Listen.

2. If the Tiger bats can wake up it doesn't really matter what the 3 and 4 pitchers do. Verlander and Jackson are good enough, when the bats put up 4+ runs, to win any game. We can win any series against any team when the 1 and 2 do ok to good, and the 3 and 4 do just average.

3a. MSU is poised to make Michigan one of the top college football states in the country. Forget the resurgence of UCLA, Cal and the everpresent USC. Forget Miami, Florida State, and the powerhouse Gators. The Spartans and, well, that other team, could both be good to very great over the next 5 years. Of course depending on NCAA findings and the resulting penalties.

3b. Please, someone, no matter if you agree or disagree with the message, give some love for a US President that speaks English.

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