Friday, September 4, 2009

Mixed Rants

First I had to spend an unhealthy amount of time at the dentist this Wednesday. That was bad enough. Second, while waiting, I had to listen to other patients in other rooms. What is it with dentists not having doors on their rooms? I know what you're thinking:

So the ancient lady in the room next to me who apparently is all around brilliant (as she proceeded to argue with the dentist about the cause of her snoring. turns out its not her toothpaste) starts blabbering about health care. I have always taken these talking heads from the left and the right for what they're worth: nothing. I often wonder why people with political advisors and huge followings would say such stupid things (see: sarah palin = death panels). I mean, what positive can come from looking and sounding so stupid? Then this woman confirmed my worst fears.

"Obama wants the government to take over health care so he can kill all the seniors...I heard it on the news."

At first I laughed. I mean come on. I wasn't the biggest fan of GWB but I NEVER thought he purposely made decisions based on a desire to see people die. Cheney maybe. Ok not really. But I actually laughed. Then I thought "God no, these people meet at McDonald's every day and have the highest voter turnout." These idiots like Palin, Rush, and that fat baby faced lunatic on Fox are taking advantage of american stupidity. The difference between the left and right is this: the left is appealing and convincing to young liberals/moderates more so than the senior population. Their untruths and rants are never carried through because young people don't vote. And they use multiple news sources. Meanwhile, even if 1 in 4 Fox News/Rush listeners believes it as gospel, there is about a 80% chance they are voting.


Michigan State and Montana State square off this Saturday. It shouldn't be a game after 1 quarter. Its really going to look like an organized, very official, scrimmage. Not that Montana State is bad, but they are just overmatched. I expect to see a lot of new faces by the 3rd quarter.

MiState - 40
MoState - 17
I have two very divergent contingency based predictions. If RichRod loses 2 of his first 3 this year (Western Michigan, Notre Dame, Eastern Michigan) he is cooked. Losses will be he nail in a coffin built over the last few months. Player transfers and dismissals (for recruiting questionable players and losing good kids because he's an ass) NCAA violations that no doubt occurred to some degree, and the recent investment fraud/loan default news that give um a bad name are no small thing. I've said since day one he was a risky hire for the above board reputation -- real or contrived -- associated with um football.* Somewhere the lloyd haters are wondering if lloyd would come back.

If they win the first 4 and split the next 8 RichRod lives to coach another year. A few assistants take the fall on the NCAA thing (meanwhile I hope it drags out and recruits bail on him not knowing if there will be a ban) and things chug along slowly. He coaches at um for the remainder of the contract and never makes a dime, taking his pay in legal representation from the law school for the next 3 scandals to come out. Honestly I hope he stays. I also liked Brian Ellerbe and Tommy Amaker. So did izzo.


The Tigers are winning enough games, in exciting ways, and the competition just keep losing games. Roughly 30 games to go. Hopefully they can win 20 of them, including splits with the ChiSox and the Twinkies.

Ernie Harwell has cancer. He's decided not to do surgery/treatment. Its sad to think about such a steady, smart, perfect part of childhood summers not being around. Here's to a big Tigers run and Ernie in the booth a few more times this fall.
* football only. as we know basketball is another story. see: the Fab we never existed Five

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