Saturday, November 7, 2009


The highlight of the day today may be the tailgate. Check that, it definitely will be the tailgate.

MSU is reeling. The losses this year have been heartbreaking, last second, and at times unbelievable. With the exception of the WI game -- a thorough whooping that looked closer than it really was by the end -- all of the losses were either bad bounces or stupid mistakes.

Today provides a real chance for, well, nothing. You HAVE to beat WMU. I mean hell, ummm beat WMU. Winning is expected, a loss would be a huge blow, a close game would be like a loss.

I would like to make jokes about Western but I have no idea who plays there, what students do, or what famous alum has made an ass of him/herself. They have a rival from what I understand. It is also a directional school. But here is the funny part, oh man are you gonna love this, it is not eastern michigan. No. This wacky and unpredictable school has a rivalry with central michigan, a team with no natural predators/rivals, with the exception of little known Periphery Michigan University. Rivalries require competitive teams. PMU is always on the outside looking...terrible.

Greg Jennings was good. He is in Green Bay. I can't name another player. Fine, Tim Hiller.

The mascot is buster bronco. Doesn't he coach BYU?

The WMU wiki page has 2 sentences under "Student Life." Seems about right. Under "Health Services" it just says "Penicillin."

An alum was a founder of the Food Network. Congrats. 10% of your work is watchable.

Luther Vandross. You know what? Good job on that one. Truly.*

However, offset by having 2 (two) American Idol Finalists.**

I think MSU can run the ball, with ease, against the smaller bronco dline. I don't see a player on the roster over 275lbs. Strangely they seem to have a linebacker obsession. The roster lists 12 Linebackers. Maybe LB is the default setting on the media guide.

I think MSU can pass the ball, with relative ease, against western linebacker u. MSU has too many weapons capable of dropping passes to cover everyone.

After last week I am concerned with watching another QB chuck the ball up for grabs on every down. Hiller has a good arm. If WMU watched any film they will throw the ball deep on first down, no matter where they are on the field, and hope that we continue to play our zero pass break up defense. If that fails do the same thing on 2nd, 3rd, and --yes -- 4th downs.

MSU - 33
WMU - 17

* [relative] Win

** lose

** double balloon lose

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