Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tiger Tiger Woods Ya'll

There are few things I care less about than Tiger Woods personal life. I didn't like him more when he married a model, or when he had a child, or when he drove a Buick. I like his golf game. I appreciate his talent. He could have sex with women, men, or no one at all, and so long as it doesn't happen while he is golfing, I don't care.

A good barometer: If Nancy Grace is talking about it I likely don't care.

I am mildly amused with Phil Mickelson's personal life to the extent that he is married to an attractive woman. I'm almost past being astonished. Annnnd I don't care about his personal life.

Did Tiger kill someone? Did he rape someone? Hell, did he lie under oath about taking steroids or hide earnings offshore to avoid taxes? No. He is an adult that did adult things with other consenting adults. He made bad decisions and looks foolish. Welcome to being human.

This isn't a Larry Craig situation. This is a weekend news story at best. It's a shame but beyond 48 hours it's a non story.

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