Saturday, February 21, 2009

wiscansin and purdue wrap up

The loss to Purdue was surprising not in that MSU lost, but in how they lost. It was a mess.

Reffing was bad both ways. Lots of missed calls, inconsistency, and flat out wrong calls. That didn't lose or win the game.

MSU had 22 turnovers. That, alone, didn't lose the game.

The difference was shooting. Purdue couldn't miss and the Spartans couldn't make a layup. At one point Purdue had made something like 6 three's to MSU's 1. Despite that 15 point Boiler advantage from distance MSU was down only 11 at the time. That stat might lead one to believe that the Spartans were hitting everything inside. That was not the case. Going in to halftime Purdue's lead was less than 5 despite the fact that Suton, Roe, and Lucas had left about 6 easy layups on the floor. MSU just couldn't hit anything.
Lucas is getting to the rim more often -- at least in the second half -- in the last 4 games. However, his shooting percentage is terrible. Trrble. Even though I hate to see 2 of 11 and 3 of 14 performances I still like Lucas being more aggressive and getting to the rim. Nothing is worse than running your offense from 35 feet, getting over played, and not going by someone* that obviously can't stay in front of you**. Too often MSU guards creep further and further from the basket in the name of running the offense and forget basketball 101: the goal on offense is to score. If someone is overplaying you go by them. Forget the play. You don't get points for running the play. The refs don't stop the game to say "hey, you know what? good job forcing that pass just because that's what the play called for. 2 points green." The play is supposed to facilitate scoring. If you can skip to step 2, the actual scoring, you should do that.

Chris Allen. What more can I say? Plenty.

Watching the last game a few things were apparent. He isn't a genius.

Prime example : on the defensive end Allen watched a Purdue shot go off the rim and head out of bounds. Purdue touched it last, quite obviously. Gus Ganakas knew that Purdue touched it last. So, of course, Allen ran to the sideline to save the ball. On the defensive end. Gus Ganakas knows you don't save the ball under your own basket. Allen's failed attempt (redundant redundant) to save the ball looked strikingly similar to a bounce pass thrown to a spot (like a QB might attempt, throwing to a spot rather than a person). That spot happened to be the middle of the lane. The defensive paint. Where Purdue players were. Where you would gladly fight your mother to be with the ball on offense. That was the play that best describes Allen's game right now. Allen is no stranger to jumping in the air with no particular thought process or premiditation, but this time he decided to do it 1. with his back turned -- upping the difficulty factor from his normal routine, 2. on the defensive end, 3. to save the ball (that was off the other team), and 4. ended the perfect play by making a nearly perfect bounce*** pass into the paint. Purdue completed the perfect play by missing the layup****.

Also apparent: the game is too fast for Allen. There are two kinds of slow. This is really an extension of the above, but there is mentally too slow and physically too slow. Suton was (and sometimes is) physically too slow. Suton knows what to do most of the time but everything is exxagerated. If Suton is out of position, even by a little bit, there is no recovering. He is athletically slower. If Suton loses concentration or has an off game mentally the game is too fast for him.
Allen shows signs of being very athletic, but the game is too fast for him. The difference with Allen is that he has no idea where he is supposed to be. Worse? He appears to have little capacity to ever fully understand where he is supposed to be. At one point against Purdue Allen lost his man for about 5 seconds on defense. Considering the speed of the college game 5 seconds is an eternity. In 5 seconds a division one basketball player might think to himself, hey, maybe I should be guarding someone. I mean I'm not doing anything else right now. During my third scream induced myocadial infarction of that defensive series Allen had a thought somewhat similar to that, found his man setting up a tent and starting the camp fire in the lane, and sprang in to action. Luckily Purdue had no idea that the man was open either and waited for Allen to realize before taking advantage. At that point Allen ran at his man and executed a perfect form tackle. Honestly he could have played corner for JLS. Get burned, recover, hit your man no matter if he has the ball or not.

The good news? Maurice Ager. Plenty of people liked Ager and he is in the NBA. Ager didn't play defense consistently. Ager made the same mistakes as a senior that he made as a freshmen. Ager is the career leader in jumping in the air, with the ball, with no plan or reason for doing so. Ager wasn't a particularly talented ball handler. I have a feeling Allen has been watching old Ager game tape.
Wis can sin
This is where I get my obligatory Bo Ryan looks like Mo from the Simpsons reference in.
I have to give credit to Suton. Although he has had a quiet few weeks Suton is still leading the conference in rebounding and has improved an unbelievable amount on the defensive end. Gray is the bizarro Suton. Gray has gotten worse each season, which makes his 5th year quite unfortunate to watch. This week Suton earned even more love for saying "I don't like Wisconsin...they're dirty." I don't like Wisconsin either. And they are dirty. AND I like futons -- I mean they are possibly the most functional furniture ever invented. (bizarro world futon? The Papasan chair. Useless and uncomfortable. Designed, at best, for cats).
Wiscansin is probably my least favorite conference team in basketball. Wisconsin has been the ugliest team in basketball for the last 10+ years, both in terms of style of play and literally. They are ugly.
I have no logic behind my score this week, other than losing to Purdue providing motivation and Wiscansin being a crappy team from the top down. Bo Ryan did the Soulja Boy (to relate to recruits no doubt). Luckily it scored him 4 gumps that look like they fell out of the ugly tree, hitting every branch on the way down, who set illegal screens. His offense is set for the next 4 years.
MSU - 68
Wisky - 59
* By someone I mean anyone in the conference, if not country. Lucas is too fast to overplay. 8 times out of 10 Lucas will get by anyone who is guarding him. That will be followed by a missed layup 65% of the time.
** By you I mean Kalin Lucas, not you the reader. You [the reader] are not very good at basketball. Suton could stay in front of you [the reader] 100% of the time. Carrying a futon. With a suit on. Standing in croutons.
***The perfect bounce pass was of course the result of a failed attempt to throw the ball off someone's foot. Had the bounce pass been intended the pass would have sailed into the 4th row*****.
**** The Purdue player [engineer lite] was likely confused as to why anyone, even Gus Ganakas, would save the ball in that spot on the floor, in those circumstances, in that manner and promptly missed the layup.
***** Unless the 4th row was near the intended target, in which case his pass would have been air balled by 15 feet for no reason, in other words landing in the 18th row.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Starting a Small Business

If you have empty plastic bottles you should hold on to them. I'm starting little venture out of our house. Out of our basement to be speficic.

Because, although hope springs eternal, our basement eternally springs. Matt's Spring Water is officially open for business.

Ahh yes, hope springs. Like "I hope this vaccuum goes out of control and sucks this house down on top of me" or "I really hope that's a sleeping bag I see stowed on the floor over there in the corner" or even "Oh good! I was hoping the carpeted room would get a good deep cleaning." Hope.

I thought basements were good places to store things. Seasonal things. Seldom used things. Things that might, yet again, be of value some time down the road. Our basement is currently storing two types of things:

1. Water
2. Things that's shouldn't be sitting in water

I don't much like Tom Hanks. I mostly think he is annoying. But he serves as a good example through his role he played in "The Money Pit." The problem with the money pit comparison is that our money would be getting laundered in the deep, wet, fungus infested bowels of our home. Plus we don't have a spiral staircase.

If Noah saw our basement he would say "daaamn, that's a lot of water." I know it is, Noah, now get a bucket.

So if you've ever had a wet rug or carpet you know it doesn't take long to have that smell. I cleaned it up, put some fans down, and waited. Then I went to the internets to find out the best way to get rid of the smell (until we pull up the carpet in the spring).

Internet: Baking Soda.

Me: Baking Soda?

Internet: [staring at me like how dare you question google]

Me: Baking Soda it is

Here's the deal. Water is sneaky. The carpet looked dry. It seemed dry. So I put down 2 big containers of the ole Arm n Hammer. Nothing but the best.

The result? All the mess but none of the effect of 90% of 6th grade science projects. My rich red carpet was 3 tone: red, mush, and white powder. It was a new style I call "who the hell let Gary Busey in my basement?!"

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

1st half update:

Gray has played about the worst 2 minutes of basketball I've seen this year.
- gave up a layup
- missed a pass in the post
- fouled
Those were on consecutive possessions.

Allen just air balled a WIDE open three. There was better defense in warmups.

Lavin already referenced ummm's offense being like an option qb.

MSU is apparently not going to get a call in the post.

Sims is really, really ugly. If Sims and Lucas-Perry were any uglier they would have to play for Wisconsin.

Delvon Roe is all* man.

BIG LOB to Summers. The pass (from Walton, another crappy start) was actually terrible, but Summers exercises mind over matter. In his mind gravity doesn't exist, no matter what reality might say.

Ummmm fans are still goofy.

Glad to see Allen still blows. Again, if you can't defend or handle the must be on the team to shoot. Turns out he can't shoot. Oh, he also can't seem to rebound or pick up loose balls that do everything in their power to jump in his [apparently greased and "for looking only"**] hands.

*except the parts that are based on superhero DNA
**have you ever seen those rooms of furniture that "aren't for sitting...those are for looking at"? Chris Allens hands are similar. "Oh those thigns? I don't use those."

Monday, February 9, 2009


Whatever is wrong with Raymar needs to be addressed. Ditto for this economy. There is no short term fix for the economy, but most people want -- if not downright expect -- a "fix." This is one of the simplest yet funniest SNL bits in years. Raymar and the economy? Fix 'Em.

Just michi being michi

I'm not sure when it happened, but it did. The Big10 now has 2 Northwesterns.
For years NW has used good shooters and discipline to run a gimmick offense (Princeton like). Sub par athletes are asked to execute with perfection, limit the number of possession on both ends of the floor, play zone defense, hit free throws...and pray. The idea is certainly based on fundamentals; shooting, reading the defense, and crisp execution. However, it is the equivalent of the option offense in college football. It won't ever translate to the NBA and to be successful it requires a number of things to happen.

On offense perimeter shots need to fall. If the 3 isn't falling defenders don't have to step out and overplay. If defenders don't overplay you don't get backdoor layups. If you don't make 3's and don't get don't control the pace or the score. Rebounds come off to superior athletes and, lets be honest, these gimmick teams aren't deep on talent or prepared to play in transition.

Michigan is now running a similar system. It is not the same, but based on the same principles. Michigan has attempted 637 three point shots to date. That is 200+ more 3's than NW (NW w/ 3 fewer games played). Michigan is out NW'ing NW. Any way you cut it, um is a scary match up for MSU. Penn State and Northwestern have both shown what getting lucky from 3 can do.
I did say lucky. While both NW and PSU have improved a great deal this year (and I believe PSU will make the NCAA tourney, and NW could win the BTTourney for the autobid) neither had any business winning at the Bres. Junk shots, and I do mean junk, were falling. From 4 feet behind the arc, early in the shot clock, banking hard off the glass. Those are the shots that were falling. Those are the shots that teams like NW and Michigan need to win against superior talent. Many call the 3 point shot "the great equalizer." Sure...just like the lottery is the great equalizer. It is a gamble that pays off big from time to time, but the odds aren't in favor of it working for a full season.

The sad things is um is pretty talented. From top to bottom um is probably more talented than both NW and PSU. They don't need to gimmick. But they do, so here are the keys.

1. Allen, Lucas, and Summers all have to be consistent. Forget hot, I just want consistent. If each one shoots 33% or better from 3 um can't stay in a zone for long.

2. Lucas, Walton, and Lucious all have to get in the lane. Too often against a zone MSU dribbles around the perimeter making dangerous passes from guard to guard, most of whom can't handle the ball (Allen) under pressure. It doesn't advance the offense, finds the ball moving ever closer to half court (as opposed to the rim), and doesn't attack the zone from its weak points -- the paint and the short wings.

3. Suton, Gray, and Roe have to rebound early and often with strenff (which is Clark Kellogg speak for strength). um is long and has decent size. Rebounds must be solidly secured with good outlet passes. um is not deep enough to run for 40 minutes.

4. Everyone has to hit free throws. Not even a late lead is good against 3 point shooting teams if you can't make free throws. MSU has taken 100 more free throws this season than the next closest team (purdue) and with good reason. The Spartans are shooting just 68% from the line. I would foul too.
5. um can't get lucky. Players w/out a conscience (internal or on the sideline) can get hot in ways that cannot be helped. Talor Battle (PSU) is apparently allowed to take whatever shot he chooses, over whatever defense, at any point in the shot clock and from anywhere on the floor he likes. When they go in he looks smart and it is nearly impossible to stop (especially since guarding him = foul). Personally I find most of his shots to be stupid and liken them to investing for retirement in a 401L (lottery). Sometimes it works.
If um is making 3's it could be a close game to the end.

I predict a um lead in the first half of 5-8 points followed by an MSU run to start the second half. um can't guard MSU's depth for 40 minutes (although having Morgan in the lineup would be nice) and can't maintain an adrenaline high for two halves, especially coming off a tough loss to Uconn. If Lucas is determined to get in the lane um has no answer.

MSU - 70
ummm - 63

It is funny to think of Michigan as running a gimmick in both football and basketball. Almost as funny as smash mouth MSU hiring John L Smith. Almost as funny as the average um fan.

Friday, February 6, 2009

IU, Reader Requests, Open Questions

After righting the ship against a stunned MN team the Spartans take on Tom "I wish I didn't look like Tom Arnold" Crean Saturday. Indiana is coming off their first win (against lowly Iowa) and should be a 20 point win. I really don't even know what to tell you about Indiana. They have one returning scholarship player from last season. That really says it all.

At the request of 33%* of the readers we will address one Wally Pipp. Wally was a major league baseball player (Yankees) around the 1920's and played 1st base. "Wally Pipped" became a verb, however, not because of his play so much as his not playing. According to legend Mr Wally Pipp decided to sit out a game, against his managers wishes, because of a "headache." His replacement? Lou Gehrig. Good idea pal. 2130 consecutive games later Gehrig was a household name for his stellar on field play, while Wally Pipp became a household verb for letting your understudy make you look a fool. Holding the door for the one that replaces you. Like pulling a Munson.
That brings us to Raymar Morgan. While I don't see Summers replacing Raymar for good or Raymar faking his illness it does make for an interesting comparison. At the very least Raymar has to be making more funny faces* than normal from his seat on the bench as he sees his future minutes fade. I still think that, if Raymar were healthy right now, the starters would be: Lucas, Walton, Suton, Morgan, and Summers. Roe has come on strong but isn't ready to push Suton out yet. Allen is...Allen. Honestly I think Allen might be Wally Pipping himself. I've openly invited Allen to go have relations with himself.

Indiana is bad. Very bad. They could get hot and hit a bunch of hot garbage 3's (see: Northwestern and Penn State) but they cannot pull this one off. They can't.

MSU - 71

IU - 59


1. Who among you will take a minute to develop a working definition for "breaking news" and pass that information along to Nancy Grace?

2. Why are we still talking about this baby factory lady? She had 8 kids, I get it, its a news story for about...24 hours. I'll give you 48 tops. I have two problems with this still being in the news cycle: first there is no debate among intelligent people - it was medically unsafe, unbelievably irresponsible given her situation, and she has GOT to be unstable and second its none of our business. It isn't. If we want to change the public assistance/entitlement programs etc. ok, but she needs to go away. Now.

3. Why do people try to irritate me? The people who get to me w/out fail have two character traits: arrogance and ignorance.

I met the local chapter president of the arrogant and ignorant club at the MN basketball game. I was, according to him, in his seats. Never mind that our seats are designated season tickets. Never mind that these tickets have been in my possession since weeks before the season started. Never mind that THESE VERY SAME SEATS have been season tickets, in the same name, for at least the last 5 years. Before that, going back to the opening of the Breslin, they were in that immediate area. Never mind that he had no ticket to prove anything and I showed him my ticket. He acted as though the numbers and letters on the ticket were in a language he vaguely understood. This guy wasn't having it. I was in his seats and it was ok, he would just get an usher to take care of it. He then sat in some other open seats in front of us and proceeded to take his self assured story to every person*** in our section -- pointing us out each time he retold the story about the kids with the nerve to be in his seats. He wouldn't let it go. You can imagine me taking this well. Woosah. Woosah.

That guy is the reason they don't sell beer at the Breslin. He didn't need any more self assurance and I didn't need another reason to plant my fist directly in his ear.

Then he danced to the MSU Dance team music (urban) during timeouts. It was exactly as you are picturing it in your head right now. Then my thoughts moved from battering him to feeling sorry for the person that must spend hours, daily, mopping up his saliva and helping him find his baseball.


**It is mathematically impossible for R.Morgan to make additional funny faces. He has reached maximum funny face efficiency.

***"every person in our section" is only a slight exaggeration as he honestly retold the story, w/ finger pointing, at least 4 times over the next 30 minutes