Sunday, February 6, 2011


It is pretty easy to pick apart the things that this team does game in, game out. The question is where to start. The answer: the beginning.

This team has a very low basketball IQ. It isn't just that Lucas and Summers are poor leaders; they clearly aren't overly vocal or respected by their teammates. The real problem is this: even if the two were more comfortable with being vocal they wouldn't have a clue what to say. The evidence is abundant.

1. Lucas can't run a fastbreak and his teammates, Summers included, can't run lanes on the break.
2. Lucas continually takes shots from the perimeter with no one on the block. That is problematic for at least two reasons, first that the ball should go inside out and second there is no chance at a rebound not if, but when the shot is missed.
3. When a team can't hit from the floor what should happen? Get to the line. Lucas doe snot do that and apparently does not discourage his teammates from shooting almost exclusively from the perimeter on every possession. If Mateen Cleaves didn't want you to shoot another 3 he would let you know, and you would not do so.
4. Never once has he grabbed a player by the collar jersey and got in their face. Not every good leader has to do that all the time; any good leader would have found 20-30 situations this season which required exactly that kind of fire.
5. You can't lose to the three worst teams in the B10 if you have leadership. This team did, and it doesn't.

I'm really tired of teams hitting every shot they take. Terrible teams and terrible players keep hitting perfectly defended shots. They also hit the wide open shots. But definitely, if the clock is running down and the play is well defended, they are going to hit a leaning bank shot from 38' with their off hand.

What happens when a jumpshot only player can't shoot? He is worth nothing. Let me introduce you to D. Summers. Brick layer.

And, as always, another classy move by Bo and the fighting ncaa tournament laydowners, by shooting another 3 in a 30 point game at the buzzer. Top knotch, Bo. Try winning a game after the sweet16, ever, and we can talk about how great of a coach you are.

1 comment:

Justin said...

Well said, on all points. This team was frustrating to watch back when I still bought into some of the hype. The bottom line though is that this team cannot shoot and doesn't know how to play ball to minimize that weakness. That should have been apparent early on, and they should have fallen out of the rankings so much earlier than they did. I'm not frustrated anymore. I'm despondent.