Saturday, October 25, 2008

4th Quarter Rant

I come to you from the 4th quarter of this game to let you know that THIS is why Hoyer is on my OGD do you suck list. Play someone else.

You can't take these bad sacks. You can't throw the ball into the middle of the line on a screen. You can't eat the ball, not tuck it, and set up a fumble. Oh wait, you can. And you did.

Swenson is not at fault for these misses. One is a missed block. One is a 50 yarder that was dead on. One was a bad snap and a delayed kick, where he held back his legs but rotated his upper body and hips. The result? Pulled it.

Please put in a QB. Now. Please.

PS there is no chance that was a TD in the first half. The pylon is used for running plays where the BALL hits the pylon. Not the receivers foot. Absolute horse hockey.

As we speak Ringer scored. Hoyer may yet be saved. I'm not holding my breath.

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