Saturday, October 23, 2010

In Game MSU v NU

The wet field is killing MSU. If it is going to be a little wet, it needs to POUR. The hesitation is obvious. That favors the team that runs more plays on offense. The injuries are mounting for MSU and don't look to be bumps and bruises.

Also, you can't let NW run for 4-5 yards a pop. They can't run the ball. Worthy is out or limited. The corners are weak. The QB run is getting just enough, and given the number of slipped arm tackles by MSU, its a wonder this game is even close.

NW scores again. 17-0 after a missed field goal by MSU.

Missed tackles, injuries, and lack of pressure have exposed this secondary for what it is: overrated. To be fair, with Rucker in and Dennard healthy, this team is a lot better. But, they sure aren't showing it now.

Also, can we stop with the play action? Here's the deal. Play action is effective AFTER you establish the run. MSU hasn't established the run, pass, or that they are a Division 1 team. This is sick.

And don't tell me about "the biggest comeback" story again. That was Drew Stanton. If Drew Stanton was on this team they would be a LEGIT top 5 team in the country. This is not a comeback team. Not like that Stanton team.


Finally, a sign of life. Get it to playmakers. Get it to Baker. Get it to Cunningham. Get it to Dell.

You still have to get a stop here before the half. Maybe, just maybe, a pick 6. This defense is due to buckle down and make something happen. The offense made the first move, for the first time this year, now the defense needs to feed off the offense.


Broke open the IPA. Should this work, I'll be taking IPA sponsors for each of the upcoming games. Should really free up my budget (and tongue) to give more analysis.


Persa is, well, doing just enough. Missed tackles continue to haunt. The offense needs to move the ball and score. MSU still has to run.

NU Pregame Update

There were a few problems getting NU's team to load up the dodge caravans for the game. Leaving behind the Dungeons and Dragons/Word of Warcraft online tournament was brutal. I haven't seen a hold like that since last the last 150 starts for Jeff Backus.

This did not help the NU stereotype, enforced by NU Basketball player Kevin
Coble * , and solidified by the NU football player to the left.

Also problematic, the complicated flow chart confiscated from the NU playbook. No wonder 1. the offense can't run the ball, and 2. Persa completes 78% of his passes. There is a box for each possible outcome, including wind, lighting, and temperature. But there isn't an option for "have a bigger, strong line and running back." Can't run a model for that.

* Kevin Coble a/k/a "I would like to forgo my senior season to focus on electrical engineering."

Friday, October 22, 2010

MSU @ Northwestern

This can't be considered a "trap game" because:

1. NU is 5-1. I know that Iowa is next, but how do you look past a team that is 5-1?
2. MSU beat Illinois last week but didn't look very good doing it. I expect a BIG running day.
3. NU is a decent team. There is no such thing as a trap game when the opposing team is good.
4. Not only is NU good, they are good exactly where MSU hurts; against that nasty short pass.
5. This is MSU first true road game and first trip out of the state. You are wide awake.

The things that bother me are threefold. 1. Rucker would be quite helpful in this game. 2. The season continues to build in terms of the opposing QB. Robinson could run, Scheelhasse could move the pocket and throw, Persa can run a little, move the pocket, and is VERY accurate. 3. MSU has gotten too many breaks thus far.

Cousins has improved over the last three weeks. The penalties have seen some improvement, especially considering that the pass interference call on Dennard was terrible. The special teams continue to be great, including much improved kickoff distance. The pass rush has gotten much better. It will have to improve yet again this weekend if they intend to hit Basanez, I mean CJ Bacher, err, rather Dan Persa. Different QB, same result. 4.5 million passing attempts and 78% completion rate. Also, not many sacks. He gets the ball out quickly. Pretty amazing. But, given that NU can only run for about 2.2 yards per carry, I guess you do what you can. Also, I don't see that 2.2 getting much higher this weekend. NU hasn't really played anyone as good as MSU against the run yet.

NU's defense is underrated, too. The db's are pretty solid and can make a play. The scheme is good. The lines, if nothing else, are smart. Pat Fitzgerald is a good recruiter and appears to be a pretty good coach. I just don't get it though. He's a tough guy. A run the ball, smack somebody in the mouth, hard hitter. But he runs this little ticky tack offense that just won't work consistently enough to win more than 7 games per year. That's pretty good, but at some point, you have to have more balance.

I like MSU in this game so long as there is discipline. The penalties, missed assignments and missed tackles have to be limited. The QB can't run all over the place, especially on 3rd down. The defense has to get off the field. Last, MSU has to get back to running the ball, taking care of the ball, and looking to put up at least 3 points every time they touch it.

Make it:

MSU -- 34
NU -- 27

Hoops 2010

The B10, notwithstanding the loss of Hummel, is going to be great to watch this year.

Everyone is talking about MSU. Everyone is still confident Purdue will be good, though not as good as 2 weeks ago. Everyone is certain Thad Matta has set up enough rental players to beat some good teams.

Few people are talking about Illinois, perhaps the most realistic challenger for the conference title. Even fewer are talking about Wisconsin, a team that usually just finds a way. Almost no one is talking about Indiana. Don't sleep on Indiana. They are going to be very, very good over the next 2 seasons. Minny and NWstrn can win games, especially MN.

No one is talking about Michigan, Penn State or Iowa. That's probably fair.

The point is, from top to bottom,* this league is good. Very, very good.

MSU will win [at least a share of] the big ten and make the elite 8 IF they stay healthy and find a solid rotation early. They will not finish the season in the top 5, will not get a #1 seed, and will not always look great. By the end of the season this team will gain speed and depth on the perimeter, as the younger guards gain experience. The bigs? They will be solid all year. In fact, I can't remember more depth from the 3-5 positions, well, ever for MSU. In fact, off the top of my head I can't think of a team in the country with better post depth this season.

By the way, Izzo is the president of the NABC, and is not in favor of the proposed rule changes ending July recruiting. In essence, it would empower runners and agents because, lets face it, people are going to be out there on behalf of schools recruiting anyways. Guess who is in favor of it? Calipari! Hey! Who wudda thought?!

*By bottom I mean the 8th team. psu, michigan and iowa are going to be horrid. Again.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

market news

"Look, you could take all the gold that's ever been mined, and it would fill a cube 67 feet in each direction. For what that's worth at current gold prices, you could buy all -- not some -- all of the farmland in the United States. Plus, you could buy 10 Exxon Mobils, plus have $1 trillion of walking-around money. Or you could have a big cube of metal. Which would you take? Which is going to produce more value?"

Warren Buffett

Friday, October 15, 2010


After being so far from home for so long* MSU is finally back in East Lansing for Homecoming, looking to go 7-0 for the first time in a long, long time.

Illinois and the Zooklanders are coming in with nothing to lose**and plenty of talent. Illinois certainly better without juice williams at QB. They are better at RB, better on the offensive line, and better on defense. This team is not a joke.*** It has yet to be proven if Zook can coach, but he can recruit. Ask Urban Meyer.

I still like MSU to win. I still like the team to focus on this week's game rather than look ahead. This is a classic "trap game," in terms of the place on the schedule and the recent big wins. However, since I decided it was a trap game on Monday I've proceeded to read from no less than 15 sources that MSU will lose this week because this is a trap game. I don't think, if they should lose, it will be for overlooking Illinois. Honestly, the idiot Rucker, lack of a pass rush (still) and Cousins mistakes will be the reason. This team still has holes. Big holes. Holes that a team like Iowa or Ohio State would expose, and holes that a team like Illinois could exploit in a good day. I don't like a qb that is pretty mobile AND can make some passes. That describes Scheelhaase to a T. Guys that move the pocket put pressure on corners to cover for longer, and put pressure on linebackers to be disciplined (and not help in coverage). I don't like that either.

Rucker is a real moron. He was on probation, had a second chance, was playing quite well, and pissed it all away. He is likely done. I don't know how Dantonio could bring him back. That hurts. He was BY FAR the best cover corner, best blizter off the corner, and little known fact --- third leading tackler on the team. That means he was good in run support. Will his replacement be good eventually? For sure, probably better. However, D.Dennard is a freshman. He will get picked on, be out of position, and is likely good for at least one penalty and one blown cover for a big play.

Make it:

MSU - 31
Illinois - 21

*trips to Detroit and annarbor in the first 6 weeks make homecoming so special
**technically they could lose the game, a head coaching job, and for the 12th time in 14 meetings
***yes they are

MSU ummm wrapup

What a week, and what a win. The defense did enough and the offense was efficient. The Spartans, honestly, dominated. Denard could have 6-7 yards on first down (with a QB run off tackle) between the 30's, but inside the 30...nada. The defense was SOLID. There should have been at least one more interception. Denard cannot throw the ball with accuracy consistently. When he did, there were drops (bad drops).

I'll also give Kirk some credit. He made some big plays and was accurate. However, he threw off his back foot rolling out of pressure too often for comfort. That sort of thing will get you in trouble against a real division one defense, like, say, Iowa. And you can bet the pressure will be MUCH tougher from the front four against Iowa. I don't like that. Also, Cousins picked apart (on long plays, mostly) a defense that is simply a joke. That they are worse than MSU's secondary should tell you something.

The running game remains excellent, especially the play calling. When you see a misdirection play -- or any running play -- go for 50+ yards you have to assume 3 things. A good back, good block, and a GREAT play call. You may be able to replace one of the three with bad tackling. In most cases it has been a good play call, decent blocking, and strong running.

The kicking game has been very good but largely untested. I still don't know what to think about a 40+ yard field goal in a pressure situation. I love our punting, punt coverage, and punt returns. I also like our discipline in the last few weeks with penalties. The team will have to stay penalty free the next few weeks against teams like Illinios, Northwestern, and Iowa. The first two don't need any favors to stay on the field on offense, the last team just plain doesn't need any help.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

MSU ummm weekend

In state rivals preview: Don't believe the hype edition. Aka "a mili" reasons to take the under.

Denard Robinson is a really, really fast running back. He looks even faster, even more elusive, even more unstoppable when playing an undersized and overhyped uCONNartist, notre so gooda*, UMASSive distraction from basketball, bowlingMacNcheese, and Indiana. IU is, by far, the best team umm has played this year. Lil' Wayne and Desmond Howard are still proud of their offspring.
ummm has been outgained (total offensive yardage) by two opponents and has given up: 343, 535, 439, 283, and 568 yards on defense. The 283 (to Bowling Green) looks good, until you realize that BGSU was held to 176 total yards the following week against mighty Buffalo. In other words, Michigan's defense sucks. Bad. Sieves are sending the umm defense thank you's.

But you all know that. We also know that D.Robinson is quick, fast and is susceptible to kryptonite.** Not only does he not put his pants on one leg at a time, he doesn't wear pants. He won the 2011 Heisman last week by -- surprise -- running the ball a LOT against Indiana. He also threw the ball a lot, which, in all fairness and sarcasm, is also very difficult against IU.
Is Denard the best player in the country thus far? Absolutely. I guess my point it this: he cannot maintain this level of play on his own. He can't continue running the ball this often with their backloaded schedule. He cannot continue to be that efficient a passer because, well, he's not a passer. He is a running back that has thrown all over a bunch of crap defenses loading up the box. It just isn't realistic to think he can continue to pile up these nasty stats. 1. The defenses get much, much better. 2. He will get hurt and/or tired. 3. Statistics bear out that turnovers become more and more likely with each game, each series, each down. He can't remain this flawless. Tebow had a LOT of talent around him that had to be respected. The defense was also very good. Finally, check Michael Vick's stock if you don't believe me. Flying high, everyone on the bus. Bruised ribs, out 3 weeks, "told you he couldn't last." FREEP asks "can MSU make Denard Look Human?" I say, he is bound to look human very, very soon. Vegas won't even take that money.

MSU still has a crap secondary. Also, if I hear one more time that the MSU defense held Wisconsin's Clay "in check" I might puke. Clay was hurt. It was obvious he could not cut. The shifty, faster, younger White ripped MSU up once he got past the line of scrimmage. That will be more telling than the performance against Clay, I'm afraid. Speed kills, especially for teams that aren't in position or have to over-commit to the pass. The only saving grace is umm's offensive line is NOT anywhere near as good as Wisconsin's. Also, what has hurt the MSU DE's so far will help in this game (if reined in). Speed and pursuit up field will pay off if it is turned in to lateral movement. That is, use that speed to get outside blocks and contain, use the LB's to fill gaps up the middle. Make him throw. If he runs, hit him. If he runs and pitches, hit him. If he rolls out to throw, hit him.

MSU is still getting suspect play from their QB. Cousins is not playing anywhere near the level I expected. He takes bad, bad sacks. Then he does the opposite, forcing terrible throws. I just don't get it.

In all fairness, ummm's matchups this year have been especially bad for this defense. Their competition is shifty, spreads it around, the throw, throws, throws the ball. That puts ummm's db's under pressure. Their db's are, well, in prison, on other college rosters, in the canadian football league, or in their 3rd practice after learning about walk on tryouts during chem lab. They. Are. Bad. How bad? They WISH they had Jaren Hayes.

That is exactly why I am worried. What do they have to lose? Blitz. Guess. Overplay. Hand check. Take chances. I mean, what is your other option, play straight up and get beat anyways?
MSU's running game needs to be strong with the ball. The play calling has to be solid, on both sides of the ball, but not overly cute. The receivers HAVE to hold on to the ball. The kicking game (punting, coverage, and field goals) has to be neutral (do not be the hero or the goat). Finally, the penalties cannot be umm's 12th man. Keep the penalties to a minimum.

My odds predictions. UM misses at least one field goal or extra point that it should make. Ghoulston makes a big play. Nichol makes a key play. ummm's defense is not as bad as usual. Rucker gets a big, big hit on Robinson off a corner blitz.

Make it:

MSU - 35
UM - 28

*Especially without the starting QB for 1/2 the game. Michigan owes the Montana kid****a big, big thank you.

**Is kryptonite Green?*** Yes, in fact, it is.

***Does a blind man fart in the dark?
** **Not hannah, but close.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

In Game

Cousins continues to look like a walk on that made the team last week. And played his first game of football the week before. And learned English 2 weeks prior. That bad. In fact, had the PUNTER not thrown a beautiful pass against ND there would be a QB controversy with anything with 2 arms.

The defense, through 1.25 quarters, has been very good. Too many long runs on first down, but given that there have been 2 turnovers (on giving up short field) you can't be too upset.

Bell is full grown. He is strong, patient, and certainly not looking like a freshman.

GREG JONES almost took that handoff. He was in the backfield on 3rd and 3 in time to take the bobbled hand off. Punt Wisconsin, followed by an important question...


Why? Ever?

Returned 74 yards. TD.

Defense and Special Teams dragging Cousins and company through this game. Hand it off. Do it again. Take care of the ball.

I agree with the call to go for it on 4th and 1/2. I do not agree going up the middle. Use Bell's strength AND speed to get outside.

Love the use of the tight ends. Finally.

AND TD to a Tight End!!!

If you wondered about the size and our existence of Treadwell's, well, shopping bags, they are alive and well. 4th down and 1, 3 point lead, you THROW?! With a QB that has 2 (should be 3) picks already?! With 1 (one) (won) real receiving option*?! Yes, alive. And they may secede from the Union, they are that large.

Finally, I hope Jones is ok. His arm was hanging late.

Bret Bielema is arrogant as ever. Perhaps when the University of Denard Robinson fires dick rod they can hire bret.

Post Game Show: Retire them

Will Tieman just said "Gus...tell me about this play..." as he was talking to Don Treadwell. Please, please, for the love of God, retire Will Tieman and Gus Ganakis, from both Basketball and Football.**

*Cunningham was the only route. If he doesn't get a release, there is nothing for Cousins to do with the ball.
**Gus doesn't do football.***
***Gus barely does basketball. Using the word barely is doing him a favor.