Friday, October 15, 2010


After being so far from home for so long* MSU is finally back in East Lansing for Homecoming, looking to go 7-0 for the first time in a long, long time.

Illinois and the Zooklanders are coming in with nothing to lose**and plenty of talent. Illinois certainly better without juice williams at QB. They are better at RB, better on the offensive line, and better on defense. This team is not a joke.*** It has yet to be proven if Zook can coach, but he can recruit. Ask Urban Meyer.

I still like MSU to win. I still like the team to focus on this week's game rather than look ahead. This is a classic "trap game," in terms of the place on the schedule and the recent big wins. However, since I decided it was a trap game on Monday I've proceeded to read from no less than 15 sources that MSU will lose this week because this is a trap game. I don't think, if they should lose, it will be for overlooking Illinois. Honestly, the idiot Rucker, lack of a pass rush (still) and Cousins mistakes will be the reason. This team still has holes. Big holes. Holes that a team like Iowa or Ohio State would expose, and holes that a team like Illinois could exploit in a good day. I don't like a qb that is pretty mobile AND can make some passes. That describes Scheelhaase to a T. Guys that move the pocket put pressure on corners to cover for longer, and put pressure on linebackers to be disciplined (and not help in coverage). I don't like that either.

Rucker is a real moron. He was on probation, had a second chance, was playing quite well, and pissed it all away. He is likely done. I don't know how Dantonio could bring him back. That hurts. He was BY FAR the best cover corner, best blizter off the corner, and little known fact --- third leading tackler on the team. That means he was good in run support. Will his replacement be good eventually? For sure, probably better. However, D.Dennard is a freshman. He will get picked on, be out of position, and is likely good for at least one penalty and one blown cover for a big play.

Make it:

MSU - 31
Illinois - 21

*trips to Detroit and annarbor in the first 6 weeks make homecoming so special
**technically they could lose the game, a head coaching job, and for the 12th time in 14 meetings
***yes they are

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