Friday, October 22, 2010

MSU @ Northwestern

This can't be considered a "trap game" because:

1. NU is 5-1. I know that Iowa is next, but how do you look past a team that is 5-1?
2. MSU beat Illinois last week but didn't look very good doing it. I expect a BIG running day.
3. NU is a decent team. There is no such thing as a trap game when the opposing team is good.
4. Not only is NU good, they are good exactly where MSU hurts; against that nasty short pass.
5. This is MSU first true road game and first trip out of the state. You are wide awake.

The things that bother me are threefold. 1. Rucker would be quite helpful in this game. 2. The season continues to build in terms of the opposing QB. Robinson could run, Scheelhasse could move the pocket and throw, Persa can run a little, move the pocket, and is VERY accurate. 3. MSU has gotten too many breaks thus far.

Cousins has improved over the last three weeks. The penalties have seen some improvement, especially considering that the pass interference call on Dennard was terrible. The special teams continue to be great, including much improved kickoff distance. The pass rush has gotten much better. It will have to improve yet again this weekend if they intend to hit Basanez, I mean CJ Bacher, err, rather Dan Persa. Different QB, same result. 4.5 million passing attempts and 78% completion rate. Also, not many sacks. He gets the ball out quickly. Pretty amazing. But, given that NU can only run for about 2.2 yards per carry, I guess you do what you can. Also, I don't see that 2.2 getting much higher this weekend. NU hasn't really played anyone as good as MSU against the run yet.

NU's defense is underrated, too. The db's are pretty solid and can make a play. The scheme is good. The lines, if nothing else, are smart. Pat Fitzgerald is a good recruiter and appears to be a pretty good coach. I just don't get it though. He's a tough guy. A run the ball, smack somebody in the mouth, hard hitter. But he runs this little ticky tack offense that just won't work consistently enough to win more than 7 games per year. That's pretty good, but at some point, you have to have more balance.

I like MSU in this game so long as there is discipline. The penalties, missed assignments and missed tackles have to be limited. The QB can't run all over the place, especially on 3rd down. The defense has to get off the field. Last, MSU has to get back to running the ball, taking care of the ball, and looking to put up at least 3 points every time they touch it.

Make it:

MSU -- 34
NU -- 27

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