Saturday, October 23, 2010

NU Pregame Update

There were a few problems getting NU's team to load up the dodge caravans for the game. Leaving behind the Dungeons and Dragons/Word of Warcraft online tournament was brutal. I haven't seen a hold like that since last the last 150 starts for Jeff Backus.

This did not help the NU stereotype, enforced by NU Basketball player Kevin
Coble * , and solidified by the NU football player to the left.

Also problematic, the complicated flow chart confiscated from the NU playbook. No wonder 1. the offense can't run the ball, and 2. Persa completes 78% of his passes. There is a box for each possible outcome, including wind, lighting, and temperature. But there isn't an option for "have a bigger, strong line and running back." Can't run a model for that.

* Kevin Coble a/k/a "I would like to forgo my senior season to focus on electrical engineering."

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