Sunday, March 28, 2010

slight backtrack

I should say that Pearl couldn't coach as long as he has, and win as many games as he has, without scrutiny. To that end, there is no evidence to say he cheats. I just get the feel that he is slimy. I mean, you are what you recruit, right? In football it happens almost everywhere. In basketball you don't have players charged with firearms and drug possession without there being some indication that, hmm, maybe this guy is a problem. Basketball teams have too few players to not know what is going on. Unless, of course, you cover your eyes.
Also, you can still have fun while coaching at a high profile program. That fun should probably not include taking photos while draped across the laps of coeds 1/3 your age. Larry Eustachy thinks this is Class-E.

Same goes for Prince. In postgame comments TN's Prince talked trash to Ohio State's Evan Turner about a no call late in the game. Turner got blocked and the no call was correct. Prince didn't need to elaborate, first because he is 1/10th the player Turner is. Second because it wasn't necessary. You won, focus on the next game. Instead, basically, he invited Turner to shut up and watch the rest on the season from the couch. Classy, just like your coach.

Here is a nice little piece lifted from ESPN's Forde:

"One of the reasons we came to Tennessee is to be in a position like this," point guard Bobby Maze said. "It's not a surprise that we don't get overwhelmed by it. We believe that we are supposed to be here and we have very high expectations of ourselves.

"Some people have us as an underdog, and to us it's a joke. It drives us even more to succeed. Every game we've played in the tournament we have been picked to lose. That's funny."

"Actually, Bobby, nobody picked No. 14 seed Ohio to beat Tennessee. And very few people picked No. 11 seed San Diego State. So there's a reality check for you."

I also think that Chism, while a great player, is a headcase. If he comes out hot TN could roll. If he gets bumped, misses some shots, or gets in foul trouble early he could flip and take himself out of the game. If Chism goes down in flames so does TN. Or as he might so eloquently put it, in the 3rd person, "If Chism gets hot they better watch out, cause Chism and Chism's headband are the best 1-2 combo in the country."

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