Sunday, March 21, 2010

MSU vs Maryland

I've learned that with this team it is best to not make predictions. I do think it will be a tough game with Maryland as they are experienced and have a very talented and big guard.

Without a healthy Allen to guard him (yeah, I did just say that) I don't think anyone else is capable of staying in front of him and keeping him from posting up. Summers is tall enough to take him in the post but can't seem to move his feet. Raymar would be the next best choice but can't D him on a 3 ball. Lucas is too small. Lucious is both too small and, inexplicably, unable to stay in front of anyone off the dribble.

I do like Draymond and Roe's potential to run the offensive game from the free throw line so long as the wings are hitting and the layups are falling. I HATE Raymar taking 16' shots. I hate it. It does not work in this system unless, or course, he never misses. That is unlikely and leaves us with no one down low to rebound and likely a long rebound coming off for a quick outlet and bucket the other way.

I've heard it argued both ways with the Kansas loss; you don't want to play that scrappy N.Iowa team and thank God Kansas is out. Yes, N.Iowa can hit you inside and out. Yes, they play some defense. Overall? Give me a break. Any coach in the country would be glad to play N.Iowa with 6 players rather than playing Kansas. Any argument to the contrary is nonsense.

If you get bored, have a computer, and a fast connection check this out. Gus Johnson on tap. Great for creating your own game commentary, answering phone calls, or just annoying anyone else in the room.

Steve Alford is a loser. He was a loser in the BigTen and now, although he was a generous 3 seed, he is a loser out west. You can't change ugly, and he's ugly.

Another good read, if you have the time. Just goes to show we don't know how good we have it here.

I liked MSU's chances coming into the weekend. However, with the Allen and Lucas injuries and considering Roe's lingering injuries, I am more than concerned. Allen and Summers are going to have to hit 3's, Sherman, Nix, Green, and Roe are going to have to finish around the basket, and Morgan HAS to shown up for 40 minutes for MSU to have a chance. This one could be in the high 70's to mid 80's. In a close game I have to say I question MSU's chances to pull it out if Allen can't play and Lucas is less than 90%. Oh, and of course, everyone has to hit freethrows.

bold prediction:

MSU - 78
MD - 72

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