Sunday, November 14, 2010

MSU Off Week

They are what I thought they were. This is part "I told you so" and part "ok, so I was wrong about that."

This team is not that good. Not really. The defense especially is problematic. There simply isn't enough depth at corner and safety, and when the D-line had a few injuries, the team really floundered. Northwestern was too close, Iowa wasn't even laughable, and Minny was too close.

The offense is not performing to its ability. I have been vocal, since the first game, about the failings at QB. In fact, the throwing off the back foot issues has been in place all season. It was apparent and frequent as early as ND. Once the defenses got better and the game tapes have revealed the tendencies -- lights out. Iowa had a field day. What does that mean for the rest of the regular season?

Purdue will get plenty of pressure on Cousins. Under pressure (especially on the STUPID play action passes) seems to be when Cousins likes to throw off the back foot and float the ball to the wide side. Even bad DB's can jump that route. A week off could help fix things, but I think Cousins is missing the direction Enos provided (before leaving for CMU).

PSU isn't great in terms of getting pressure on the QB, but the linebackers and db's are better than Purdue. The game is at Happy Valley. It will likely be cold. PSU can run the ball and spread that ball around in space in the passing game. That means, unless the defense forces a few turnovers, Cousins is going to have to make some plays downfield. Screens are going to be limited by the excellent linebackers and the D-line is not over powering but is very disciplined. I like lots of Bell, some 5 wide with Caper, and hopefully some patience from Baker off tackle.

MSU can win both games. MSU should win both games. I do not expect MSU to win both games. In fact, it is a toss up. One would think a win against Purdue and a loss at Happy Valley. I, however, think it is equally likely this team comes out flat after the week off, lets Purdue hang around, and gets caught looking ahead. Then, as things often get strange in the MSU - PSU game, MSU runs wild. Why? Well, Penn State isn't all that good. Jo Pa is not coherent. Motivation is not a problem, considering the PSU thumpings the last two years and the fact that this "land grant" thing comes to a close this year. Finally, MSU needed to get healthy -- mentally and physically -- as much as anything. This bye week was much needed. Before Iowa would have been nice, but alas, you can't always get what you wa-aant.

Make this week:

MSU ---- 27
Purdue - 24

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