Thursday, November 25, 2010

MSU pulls one out

Well, despite about 35 minutes of terribly sloppy and uninspired play (with the exception of about 3 guys) the Spartans pulled one out. UConn did MSU a favor by knocking off Kentucky (good luck doing that 6-8 weeks from now!) and making the loss a good loss, to the extent that is possible. Maybe I should just call it a loss rather than a bad loss.

Summers did what he needed to do, hit a jump shot. Lucious finished very strong. I like the Lucious that pulls long 3's and is willing to abort the play to go past a guy that is overplaying. Too often, for as long as I can remember at MSU, teams that extended the defense pretty much ended the game. Because the team was so set (or drilled) on running the plays no matter the situation, we would end up running our offense from just inside half court and make dangerous lateral passes because, hey, that is the guy that is supposed to get the ball and that is [roughly] where he is supposed to get it. Forget common sense. Executing the play is more important than scoring. Lucious provides the quickness and ball handling to take advantage of those situations. The next step is: don't make a hero pass or over-penetrate once you get by your defender.

Sherman had a pretty good game, but too often, "same" still limited his rebounding. That is, teammates would be the only competition for a loose ball or rebound, and yet, neither would end up with it because of bad timing and lacking communication. You can't get a stop on defense and knock a rebound loose from a teammate grasp, only to have the other team get another possession. One and done.

Roe had a terrible stat line with no points and 4 rebounds. Setting aside his apparent inability to do anything but go over the back (just watch a game, for every over the back call he gets they let 3 go) Roe didn't get many opportunities inside. The only player we give the ball to on the block is Green. Sherman got 2 looks in the second half, scored on both, and never got another. That is partially because of the extended defense and partially because the plays appear to be run primarily for guards, or at least the primary reads. I cut Roe a break on the bad stats. Maybe that is Nix's real grudge; I play 5 minutes a game, which is bad enough, but I get 2 touches --- if I get 2 rebounds. MSU is at its best getting inside, getting to the line and causing foul problems, kicking inside out, and getting 2nd chance points in the lane. There have been too many long jump shots in this young season.

All things considered, so long as Lucas gets healthy and Summers plays within himself, this team still has all the ability in the world and should be playing for a long, long time.

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