Friday, October 2, 2009

AA tailgates = cheese and whine

Ok. "Spartan Bob" stopped the clock prematurly, after about 8 terrible umm penalties kept the game alive, and no one covered TJ Ducket. MSU won. And all these years later we are still talking about it. Frank Beckman and Jim Brandfatter cried that day and wake up crying everyday, not just about that situation, but about every call that results in an ummm loss.

Why does no one bring up the fact that ummm is the Duke basketball of Division I football? Lloyd would cry, whine, and pout -- like all coaches do -- but then the call would actually change for ummm. Then, when a call doesn't get changed "michigan has been wronged."

And what about the calls that they just get, without needing to cry? Do you hear them complaining? No, you just hear Brandfatter mouth breathing and inhaling a donut.

Take last week at Indiana. Gift wrapped calls, especially an obvious one (tie goes to the offensive player), are the norm for ummm. Its pretty sad that it takes a terrible, horrible call in a home game against a freakishly bad team to squeak out a last minute win.

MSU had a TD taken away last year on a bad call against umm. No crying there.

ummm player punches ND player in face. No call, no ejection, no recognition for snake-oil-salesman of the month. Replay in same game overturns ND TD. Wrong call.

Just sayin, shut up already about the clock.

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