Thursday, October 1, 2009

ummm week

I want more than anything to talk all sorts of trash, and working off the assumptions of one month ago, I had plenty of material ready. However, it is hard to say too much with a defense this bad.

Potential Problems:

1. the other team running the ball

2. the other team passing the ball

3. the other team playing offense

Potential Bright Spots:

1. hitting a scambling QB so hard he needs smelling salts, now called TimTebowing the QB

2. hitting any wide receiver that runs an end around or slant so hard he leaves not only the game, but the conference

3. knowing their coach is still a weasely weiner*

4. making signs w/ Little Man Tate and Taint written on them

5. picking this week to come out of a funk and help fight UWWA**

6. being one week closer to basketball season

Here are two of my favorite WVU signs:

*Will he wins games? yes
Will he ever be a winner? please

**Unfounded Walmart Wolverine Arrogance

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