Friday, October 16, 2009

Northwestern MSU

The Northwestern Wildcats come to town for MSU homecoming with an upset in mind. Northwestern used the spread offense to keep defenses on their heals in the mid '90's. Now they use the clock. Northwestern averages almost twice as many plays from scrimmage as their opponents. Its a race to get to the line, snap, run the play, and get back to the line.

This scheme comes natural to NU players. They've been doing it since, what, 3rd grade chess club.

Think about it. Make a decision, make the move, punch the clock. It's like speed chess. This would explain why Pat Fitzgerald has been seen recruiting the North Avenue Beach and Chess Pavilion. Sure, some of these kids won't work out 11 years down the road, what with being 128 lbs in their senior year, but some will work out.

Take Shane Pluto Wilmet, a 6th grader from Schaumburg, IL, who has been watched by NU since 2nd grade. He has great clock times, has a 96% winning percentage since turning park pro, and obviously has the potential to be, well, "husky." This is his latest recruiting shot:

There are some questions as to how Shane will do in a standing position or how a helmet will change his speed and accuracy. But the writing on the wall is becoming more clear. Wildcat offense?! I don't think so. Think Giuoco Piano with a side of King's Gambit. WildChessCat Offense.
MSU - 34
NU -- 20

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