Monday, October 26, 2009


In the latest installment of "Why we suck as a Network: The BTN story" we were treated to a nice conversation about how the commentator has a short tie and his preference for sweater vests over regular vests, as well as the bickering brother antics of those two favorite rascals, Gerry DiNardo and Glen Mason. Boy do I love self promotion of terribly overplayed contrived rivalries. For those of you familiar with John Clayton and Sean Salisbury on Four Downs or Skip Bayless and anyone who sits across the table on First and Ten you understand. I totally buy that they hate each other and disagree on everything.

This nice bit of information was provided during the injury timeout, sometime between the actual hit and 45 seconds later when the flag came in. The only reason we didn't go to commercial, one must presume, is because BTN ran out of things to mix with Rotel. Be careful kids, 32 commercials about Rotel in one game can lead to such antics. We can also presume that they ran out of "look how awesome and edgy the BTN is" commercials, too.

I think we should put together a bracket, NCAA basketball syle, for all the promotions and networks on television [worth noting]. I'm pretty sure that the Snuggie would eliminate BTN in the first round. Sadly I don't think it would be close.

The good news? The Spartans are on the BTN yet again this week. Look out XFL fans and Gopher historians. Gerry DiNardo and Glen Mason are BACK. And this time, its personal.*

*Personal does not mean watchable and may in fact come off as kitschy. Void where prohibited including Guam, Quebec, and Puerto Rico. The program and network cannot be redeemed for any cash value and may in fact require payment for any attempted redemption.

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