Thursday, October 15, 2009

I am the Best Attorney Ever Recorded

Or at least the best in the last 25 years.

I would like to point out that no one keeps these records so that was based on an estimate. I did, somewhat verifiably, set my own personal best.

And this only supports my first instinct. RRod is a lying, cheating, do whatever you have to do and say whatever you have to say jerkface. He is driven, probably good at what he does, but doesn't seem to know boundaries. As one former B10 coach described him:

"a wizard hat wearing snake oil salesman."

Tell us how you really feel.

If you missed the latest RRod factoid to be filed in the "he's a dbag" file it was this. While under fire for breaking NCAA practice rules he cried, lied, and denied. One lie among many was with regard to his team GPA. Something to the effect of "the best GPA in 25 years" and "the best ever recorded" at ummm. Not once, but multiple times he touted the recent acomplishments of his team in the classroom.

Turns out he lied to the wrong people. Turns out when you are under fire from the press you shouldn't make things up. Turns out FOIA allows you to request documents from public offices, like a public university athletic department, that might just get you called out later on.

When that damned media made a FOIA request to find out, oh I don't know, the actual GPA data RRod would have needed to make such a claim, it didn't exist. At least that is what the response was. To which RRod stated "it was an estimate." Ballsy estimate fella.

Don't let facts get in the way. Don't let the truth, rules, or ethics get in the way.

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