Friday, October 30, 2009


We are off to newly built, open air, Minnesota-Nice stadium despite logic and weather reports. This trip will not involve a stay at the Monte Carlo, but we'll get by.

For those of you that aren't familiar with my last MSU sports related trip to Minneapolis I'll briefly fill you in. In 2001 the MSU men's basketball team made yet another final four run (3rd year in a row) and my friend and I won the lottery for tickets. We left with about $80 in cash each and our charm.

Of course we had no accommodations lined up, but we were confident we would run into someone we knew and would crash on their floor. We ended up staying at the luxurious 4 star* Monte Carlo. Think leather recliners, individual climate control** and in wall sound system. It was newly built in 1996.

To be exact it was a 1996 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, red, w/ black leather interior. We, of course, did not have blankets, sleeping bags, or feeling in our extremeties.

The 2009 trip will not involve sleeping in a car if I can help it. I am looking forward to seeing the new stadium but also planning to stay out of the weather as long as possible. The forecast: cloudy with a chance of arctic.

The Minn football team has a problem. Decker, the all american and B10 leading receiver, is out. For the year. The offense will have to find new weapons as Decker was the offense. Think Ringer x 2.

I am a little concerned about what comes next. If the game plan and schemes change significantly this week it will obviously be tough to scout and may take the first half to adjust to. It is a tough draw either way because a week from now there will be tape on the new Minn offense. With Decker healthy he is a very, very tough matchup but you know what you are getting. This is almost worse.

I still like MSU, setting aside any weather related fumbles or flukes, to win the game. The defense has looked better in recent weeks and the offense has done just enough to stay in each game. I like the linebackers to wrap up and contain the sideline to sideline running attack and the db's to limit the stretch passing game. Special teams kick returns could be the best shot for Minn to hit quickly.

I like:

MSU - 23
MN -- 14

*crash rating

**dual climate control while running. single out of control climate while not running.

1 comment:

Babby Daddy 2 said...

Nice blog. The hot shower was the highlight of the Monte Carlo stay. I look foward to reading the other posts.